Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year Blooms

Chinese New Year Blooms

If only you could taste these cupcakes! They're so yummy...Orange with passionfruit buttercream. Since Chinese New Year is coming up soon, I thought I'd add some pink blooms to finish off.

I wonder if it will go well with just vanilla cupcakes. 

My brother's birthday is coming up soon and he wants a sponge cake with fresh cream, guess what I'll be experimenting with next?! I've never made a sponge cake OR decorated a cake with fresh cream so this may get interesting.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blue Blue Swirls

I had this sudden urge to be experimental last night and decided make rosewater buttercream to cover my cupcakes. A rather interesting taste but I like it.

How does passionfruit icing with vanilla cupcakes for my next experiment sound?! 

Monday, January 17, 2011


Chocolate Macaroons

Chocolate Macaroons

FINALLY!!! Here it is. Macaroons were on my 'To Bake' list and I finally had time to give it a go over the weekend.

It didn't turn out as I'd hope it would. It is rather chewy but my guinea pig said it was yummy and he's polished off the entire plate or maybe he swept it into the bin when I wasn't looking.

I couldn't get it to be a perfect round like the ones you find in shops so I'll have to try it again and make a few adjustments.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Vroom vroom race cars

Big mama & little baby race cars

Twin race cars

I had planned a whole afternoon of making race car and race track toppers for my banana walnut cupcakes but we'd spent the day with a couple of friends instead so I only managed to make two whole race cars. Not to mention the gluten-free orange cupcakes & macaroons which was on the list of things to make this weekend...sigghhh. Hopefully next weekend I have some free time.

I'll try to finish it off tomorrow but we'll see how it goes. I may have gobbled up all the cupcakes before I finish making the race cars and race tracks. Yum yum yum.

Not the best colour scheme I know but I didn't make enough blue for the cars so I had to settle with the yellow which I made too much of.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Merry Berry Muffins

Merry Berry Muffins

I thought I'd start the year with something simple - berry muffins! 

They're easy to make, delicious and loaded with blueberries & raspberries.

I'm thinking of topping it off with some whipped cream mixed with raspberries and crushed I or do I not? Especially after all the indulgence over the last 2 weeks - from the roast chicken to ambrosia to the paua fritters and bbq lamb chops. Better get my running shoes on to work it all off.

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