Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chocolate Vegan Cupcake

Choccy Vegan Cupcakes

My new toys

I borrowed a book from the local library and found a chocolate vegan cupcake recipe. The recipe was quick and easy to make plus the icing was...let's just say finger licking good. My next mission is to make it look a wee bit nicer than the quickie job I've done tonight.

My new butterfly plunger cutters arrived this morning so I ripped open the packaging and tested my new toy out.

So much for my list of cupcakes to bake from my previous post. I have all these recipes I would like to try out but there is only so many hours in a day and so many my guinea pigs can take before they have a cupcake burnout.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thank You Cupcakes


The weekend went by too quickly and I was definitely suffering from Mondayitis at work today, the only cure for it is to create something pretty & delicious but a BIG pile of laundry awaits so no baking tonight.

I did however, manage to go along to a cake decorating event on Saturday. The ladies doing the demonstrations were amazing! Next to these whizzes I'm a baby who's just learning to crawl. I had my wallet cleared of all cash too - I simply couldn't resist buying more little 'helpers'.

I made some some "Thank You" cupcakes for a friend's work mate and used my new 'helpers' to create the flowers for these cupcakes.

The cupcakes are caramel with caramel icing and honey & pear with honey cream cheese icing.

What shall I make next?

1. Black Forest Cupcakes
2. Green Tea Cupcakes
3. Chocolate Mud Cake with a Chocolate Mousse Filling covered in Chocolate Ganache

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fairy Cake

Claire in her garden

It's mid month now and I have just realised that I have not posted anything since the 1st.

Here it is, Claire in her garden of flowers and butterflies.

I was 'experimenting' with a new white chocolate mud cake recipe I found online and this is what became of the cake. I'm just not sure if I would want to cut the cake up!

My next project will be a chocolate cake with chocolate mouse filling. I'm getting hungry just thinking of it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Claire - The Sugar Fairy

Claire - The Sugar Fairy

Here I present to you, Claire - The Sugar Fairy.

I am thinking of creating some friends for her to keep her company so watch this space!

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